Libellud Joc de societate LFCACE73 – Dixit (Disney Edition)
Nerf Blaster Dinosquad F0803 – Tricerablast
Nerf Ultra E7958 – Rezerve Ultra (10 buc)
Queen Games 801891 – Metro (Joc de Societate)
Set 5 zaruri, polipropilena, 16mm
Set Nerf Roblox – Jailbreak Armory, 2 blastere si 10 proiectile
Wizards of the coast Joc de societate C1827A – The Legend of Drizzt – Cooperativ
Wizards of the Coast Joc de societate D09880000 – D&D Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen (Deluxe Edition)